Moving Forward with My Project

    Last week I did not accomplish everything I set out to do, so I’m hoping to complete some of those tasks this week. Specifically, I want to clean up my blog a bit. 

    This week I need to do a little more tweaking to my data set. As I poured over my data last week, I began to realize I may have forgotten a detail in my data. This is because I came to the realization that my map might be more useful if it were to accurately reflects dates of movement by each player. For the purposes of my map, this would obviously improve the portrayal of data and information that would be plainly visible to the naked eye, such as months which saw accelerated player relocation during the lockouts. Obviously this is something that I can manage so long as I am able to find dates of contract signings, which might prove difficult. I have been searching through which has a great deal of information, however I am unsure if it will possess information such as this on less popular players. There have been other sources which have offered some details, however at times this has been spotty. Luckily, as has been the case through much of this project, some of the players did not relocate at all during the lockout which spares me the task of seeking out the same kinds of information on them. s

    The learning curve for this project and class has been extremely slow, however I am becoming only more and more optimistic as time presses forward. Having selected a topic which truly interests me was definitely a lifesaver, at times this project has proved to be very monotonous and time consuming with little progress. However, at other times everything seems to go very smooth. This seemingly constant battle has been very frustrating, but at the same time I feel I’ve learned a great deal more through the process than I knew previously about IT and the field of digital humanities.

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